Accelerating Multi-Family Rental Housing Decarbonization
Thursday, June 6, 2024
9:35 AM - 10:35 AM

Through their extensive experience assessing, designing, and implementing decarbonization projects for existing multi-family rental housing, these session speakers have gained valuable lessons that can help the market accelerate.Speakers will share lessons learned such as the value of portfolio-scale planning, how and what projects and facilities to prioritize, important scope items to include in RFPs, and other opportunities to accelerate such as project aggregation and navigating incentives and financing opportunities. They will also address some of the main challenges in fuel-switching projects and share patterns and trends that we have observed through their building archetype studies completed at individual sites, across whole portfolios and city-wide. Lastly, speakers will focus on the importance of collaboration and how the quality of collaboration can influence the speed at which building teams can reach their net zero goals.

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