Full Name
Dr Asha Philip
Job Title
Postdoctoral Research Associate
Company / Affiliation
Indiana University
Speaker Bio
Asha Philip earned her DVM at Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, India in 2012.  Thereafter she earned MS in Veterinary Pathology from Indian Veterinary Research Institute. Recently, in 2021 she perused her Ph.D. in Microbiology (Virology) from Indiana University, Bloomington. Currently, she is working as a Post-doctoral Research Associate at Indiana University, leading a vaccine project for GIVax.Inc. Her experience includes acting as a researcher as well as the team leader for rotavirus-based combination vaccine development. She also participated in collaborative research work studying rotavirus biology using recombinant reporter rotaviruses. Asha has expertise in developing recombinant human and animal strains of rotaviruses as expression vectors of foreign proteins. This innovative technology laid the basis for filing 4 patent applications.  Her scientific training includes veterinary medicine, veterinary pathology, virology, molecular biology, and rotavirus vectored norovirus vaccine development, plus more than 5 years of research experience in the rotavirus field. Her Ph.D. research findings on the development of rotavirus-based vector technology have been published in 7 peer-reviewed high-impact journals such as Vaccines, Journal of virology, and Scientific reports.
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