Call for Abstracts

Instructions for submitting your abstract (NOW CLOSED)

  • Abstracts must be written in English and must be submitted electronically using our online submission tool.
  • Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words.
  • Title should be no longer than 250 characters.
  • Presenting author should be clearly indicated.
  • Select one of the 6 workshops in which your work fits best:
  1. The dsRNA Virosphere: Evolution and diversity
  2. Structure and function: Virions, genomes and proteins
  3. Virus replication: Virus entry, exit and everything in between
  4. Combatting and exploiting dsRNA viruses
  5. Rotavirus Satellite
  6. Surviving & thriving: Virus-host relationships


PLEASE NOTE: We thank all who participated in submitting an abstract. The abstracts are currently being reviewed and the chosen candidates will be contacted before the end of summer.