Enhancing Business-to-Business Supply Chains for Low-Carbon Buildings in Canada
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

As key players in the construction industry, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) have a crucial role to play in accelerating climate-friendly building practices. To meet the increasing demand across residential, institutional, and commercial environments, these companies must enhance their productivity and optimize supply chain performance for both retrofitting existing buildings and constructing new ones.

Join BDC and stakeholders from various segments of the construction value chain at this roundtable discussion. Together, we will identify challenges and opportunities for equipping Canadian SMEs to rise to the occasion and contribute to promoting sustainable construction practices. By fostering collaboration and innovation, we can build a more resilient and energy-efficient built environment for future generations.

This session is intended for parties responsible for procuring or supplying products, including architects, engineers, building owners, manufacturers and general contractors.

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