Evolution of High Performance Façades
Thursday, June 6, 2024
3:15 PM - 4:15 PM

The Evolution of High Performance Façades presentation will inspire participants with emerging trends in façade design related to Zero Carbon goals. The presenters will use case studies, models, and powerful visuals from around the world to explore themes of climate adaptation, design trends, carbon, and energy performance in relation to building envelope systems. Presenters will explore developing trends in façade design to support emerging performance targets across Canada in new construction, alongside strategies for façade renewal in the existing building context to align with decarbonization efforts. Participants will leave with practical strategies they can apply and adapt to suit their projects. The Evolution of High Performance Façades presentation will support multiple aspects of the Building Lasting Change conference theme of pathways to a zero carbon future, investigating the façade drivers for resilience, embodied and operational carbon reductions and transition planning.

Salon C/D