District Energy Systems- A Pathway to Zero Carbon Futures
Thursday, June 6, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

One of the first low carbon district energy system in Canada was Dockside Green in Victoria - it used wood from construction waste, and now runs on wood pellets. Since then, new low carbon systems have been built. Co-Presenter Creative Energy builds these systems and has projects at various stages at Senakw, Oakridge Park, Thompson Rivers university, and Swedish Hospital. In this session panelists will describe what a district energy system is, how it works, and why it is efficient. Several projects in the design phases all aimed at tapping zero carbon energy sources will be discussed, and panelists will explain the built systems that help them run. Finally, panelists will discuss the primary value drivers to building developer and owner partners who ultimately greenlights these projects. There is a lot to learn from these case studies and how they can be applied to future projects in various communities.


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