Full Name
Neha Menon
Job Title
Chapter Lead
Company / Affiliation
Moon Time Sisters BC
Speaker Bio
Neha Menon is the Chapter Lead for Moon Time Connections B.C, a flagship project of True North Aid aimed to combat menstrual inequity in Northern and/or remote communities within B.C, caused by the high price or availability of these products. Over the past two and a half years, MTC B.C has been able to continuously support over 25 communities, and been featured on Global News, CBC, and other local news outlets. This organization was founded in 2017 by Nicole White, a Métis woman from Saskatchewan who had heard about menstruators in Northern Saskatchewan communities having to resort to alternate methods, as menstrual products were not accessible . Moon Time Connections has two more chapters across Canada, Ontario and Manitoba, with operations extending to the Yukon, Northwest Territories, Nunavut, and Quebec. Check out their website for more information, and ways to get involved!