Full Name
Kendra Kurisu
Company / Affiliation
Prince George Sexual Assault Centre
Speaker Bio
Kendra has been working in the anti violence sector for 12 years. She began her career in law enforcement specializing in sexual assault and high risk domestic violence investigations. Through her work in these two areas she became passionate about folks who have been harmed by intimate partner violence, and how the justice system played into that. Kendra is currently the Assistant director of the Prince George Sexual Assault, where she over sees all programs at the center and supports staff and clients in both Prince George and the surrounding Province.
Lulu Halikowski is a 3rd generation anti violence worker. She follows in both her mother and grandmothers foot steps working with folks who have been impacted by sexual violence. Although new to the field Lulu brings her experience and youthful lens to the work that she does. Her compassion is what greats each individual who walks through the centers doors. Lulu has been overseeing the Period Project at PGSAC for the last 2 years. She has assisted many folks in receiving period care products and coming up with idea's to make products more accessible.