Honouring How We Bleed: Remembering and Re-Imagining our Menstrual Cycles
Start Time
1:15 PM

In this workshop offering, participants will be invited to separate into groups of 2 in order to explore a series of open-ended questions through applying a peer counselling framework. Peer counselling seeks to equip and empower people at a community level with the resources and tools needed to provide support to their peers. In this exercise, participants will be encouraged to witness their partner, hold space for their experience and develop reciprocity through sharing back and forth. 

The following questions will be provided: 

What was your first experience of your period? 

What messages and impressions did you receive in your family and society/culture around bleeding? 

Have you ever been introduced to your period as a time of rest and reflection? If you have, what practices do you use to mark this time? 

After one on one sharing, the group will be called back to explore the following question and brainstorm as a collective. Practical tools and resources will also be shared before closing the circle. 

How can we collectively imagine a future where our bodies can be honored when we bleed? 
