Full Name
Dorian Uzzell
Job Title
TLA President
Company / Affiliation
Wahkash Contracting
Speaker Bio
Dorian Uzzell is a third-generation West Coast logger. He spent 18 years learning and executing 12 different positions within timber harvesting operations for a variety of contractors. In 2011, Dorian became a partner and manager at Wahkash Contracting and in 2016, when he and his partners became owners, he became the president. Since 2017, Dorian has been a TLA board of directors member; in 2022 he became vice president and in 2024 he became president. Dorian’s continued passion to see BC’s working forest fully utilized for forestry operations that support communities and the province is what keeps him motivated to dedicate his time to the TLA’s advocacy efforts while also running a 125 employee logging company.
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